Past performances / Broadcasts
Broadcast from 11:20 on September 13, 2021 NHK FM "A moment of Japanese music"
Jiuta "Matsu no Shou" and others (starring Kiyohito Tomiyama, Kiyoshi Tomishino, Kiyofusa Yoshida)
July 24-28, 2021 Minamiza Bando Tamasaburo Special Dance Performances "Snow" and "Cape Kanega" (starring Seikin Tomiyama and Kiyohito)
July 3, 2021 16:00 Start Sumida Triphony Hall "Bando Tamasaburo Story and Dance"
"Buddhist temple" "Snow" (starring Seikin Tomiyama and Kiyohito)
March 15, 16, 20, 21, 27, 28, 2021
Kabukiza Theater March Great Kabuki Part 3 "Snow" "Cape Kanega" (starring Seikin Tomiyama and Kiyohito)
March 4, 2021 14:00, 18:00 start National Noh Theater
(Kosha) Special Japanese dance performance sponsored by the Japan Dance Association
Jiuta "Water Mirror" "Tanishi" etc. (starring Seikin Tomiyama and Kiyohito)
January 17, 2021 14:30 Start Performance "Japanese Music Appreciation Party-Sankyoku no Kai-" sponsored by the National Theater of Japan
Jiuta "Obiya" and others (Seikin Tomiyama and Kiyohito)
December 21, 2020 11: 20-broadcast, same month 22 05: 20-rebroadcast NHK FM "A moment of Japanese music"
Koto song "Forget the City" and others (starring Kiyohito Tomiyama, Kiyoshi Tomishino, Kiyofusa Yoshida)
December 18, 2020 23: 00-rebroadcast, same month 21: 12: 00-rebroadcast NHK E-Tele "Nippon no Geijutsu"
Jiuta "Song Mouse" and others (starring Seikin Tomiyama and Kiyohito)
* It will be a rebroadcast of the program that was broadcast on June 26, this year.
November 21, 2020 National Theater-sponsored performance "Mai no Kai-Keihan no Zashiki Mai-" (Seikin Tomiyama and Kiyohito appear)
Broadcast from 11:00 on November 14, 2020, rebroadcast from 5:00 on November 15, 2020 NHK FM "Japanese Music Hyakuban"
Jiuta "Shinmusume Doseiji" "Kitsune" "Kyoku Nezumi" (starring Seikin Tomiyama and Kiyohito)
October 3-18, 2020 Kinshu Misonoza Kabuki Cape Kanega (starring Seikin Tomiyama and Kiyohito)
June 26, 2020 23: 00-broadcast, same month 29, 12: 00-rebroadcast NHK E-Tele "Nippon no Geijutsu"
Jiuta "Song Mouse" and others (Seikin Tomiyama, Kiyohito appearance)
June 21, 2020 11: 20-Live NHK General TV "Domo, NHK"
* Introducing "Nippon no Geijutsu" broadcast on the 26th in the program
June 19, 2020 23: 00-broadcast, same month 22 12: 00-rebroadcast NHK E-Tele "Nippon no Geijutsu"
Kamigata-mai "Kigisu" and others (Seikin Tomiyama, Kiyohito appearance)